Smart Collaboration Accelerator mockup

Accelerate collaboration in your organization

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is the leading tool for accelerating collaboration. It provides a framework for how to collaborate for individuals, leaders, and teams using their behavioral tendencies for collaboration and how to turn those into catalysts for collaboration. 

Our research identified seven behavioral dimensions associated with Smart Collaboration. The individual and group profiles on these collaboration dimensions allow individuals and teams to be more thoughtful and effective in collaboration. By applying their strengths around these dimensions, they become catalysts to accelerate collaboration in team dynamics, operational needs and complex problem-solving.

How the Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used

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Teams, Groups, Organizations

  • A global law firm with a strategic initiative to increase revenues from key clients used the Smart Collaboration Accelerator with client leadership partners. It helped develop their ability to collaborate with other partners, overcoming barriers such as lack of knowledge about other practice groups as well as competence and interpersonal trust. 

    The openness and trust generated from conversations around two of the collaboration dimensions measured (Concrete vs Complex, Close vs Distant) enabled them to reflect on how to be better collaborators. Insights on how they engage with clients stimulated curiosity around how they could adapt their approach to collaboration. 

  • When new teams are formed, most team members have not previously worked together. Companies use the Smart Collaboration Accelerator with these new groups so they have knowledge of each other’s skills and understanding of their working styles, with the goal of establishing a culture of collaboration right from the start.

    For example, one particular team that was tasked to manage a critical business opportunity, found that contrary to their expectations, the group were naturally high Trust and also high Individual. The leadership team was asked to identify where collaboration would be essential to achieving their business goals and understand how their role could facilitate this. When all members did the Smart Collaboration Accelerator, they were able to set expectations around collaboration and establish the required collaborative processes to succeed with their objectives.

  • A world-leading organization faced a challenge: increasing the effectiveness of its business services in executing strategic cross-department initiatives. There had been ongoing complaints from management that crucial tasks were not being actioned. Essentially, the lack of collaboration meant important work was not getting completed. 

    To address this, the Smart Collaboration Accelerator was implemented with teams working on strategic initiatives. It identified gaps in leadership and processes hindered by misaligned cross-silo collaborative behaviors. For example, the tool measured the Close vs Distant dimension, indicating who needed to communicate more frequently and who did not. By breaking down silos and improving collaboration, significant value was added to the organization.

  • A professional service firm's leadership recognized it had missed significant growth opportunities by not offering a broader range of services to existing clients across its practice groups. Clients were seeking more holistic solutions that integrated expertise from multiple specialists rather than sourcing it from various providers. The Smart Collaboration Accelerator addresses this need by bridging practice group silos and fostering a shared understanding and language around collaboration tendencies, along with specific strategies to enhance teamwork. The practice group identified as having the highest revenue potential was the first to use the Smart Collaboration Accelerator. The Leader Insights Report highlighted specific actions to take, such as highlighting a sub-group leader’s need to develop internal capabilities to tackle complex, high-value challenges faced by clients. 

    After identifying the current barriers to collaboration and aligning with the firm's strategic priorities, the Managing Partner decided to expand the use of the Smart Collaboration Accelerator to additional practice groups.

  • Collaboration was a central challenge for a large technology company building out global cloud infrastructure. Cost and time overruns were significantly impacting the business and needed to be addressed. Understanding the root cause of these issues required improved collaboration between the teams tasked with delivering these projects. Communication between these groups was hampered by lack of time, overcommitted colleagues, and the underlying motivation to make sure their part of the deliverable was not an issue. 

    The insights on barriers to collaboration led to constructive problem-solving on how to communicate and collaborate so the likelihood of unexpected surprises was minimized. This led to the roles that facilitated the early collaboration and ongoing communication during each project.

  • The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used for new hires to accelerate new partner relationship development across firms. It enabled new partners to reflect their strengths and watch-outs in their styles of collaboration behaviors. It allowed the newly hired to consider how they can build trusting relationships inside and outside the firm. 

    The use of the accelerator provided a shortcut for partners to get to know each other and think about how to develop collaborative relationships. It continues as shared language to talk about their strengths and differences.

  • The newly combined professional firm's Managing Partner wanted to rapidly integrate the two businesses and deliver new solutions for clients. She recognized this would require senior employees to collaborate on innovation projects, client acquisition/servicing, and back-office operations. Quickly building interpersonal and competence-based trust was crucial for successful post-merger integration. 

    The Smart Collaboration Accelerator helped the firm's leaders understand their own tendencies around trust and develop strategies to improve trust across the organization. It also uncovered other important collaboration tendencies and identified actions to leverage the strengths of both legacy companies. 

    For example, the firm structured innovation teams with a mix of employees drawn to complex/creative thinking as well as those strong in concrete, execution-focused skills. This balanced approach helped ensure successful implementation of new ideas.

  • An organization knew they needed to prioritize collaboration but they didn’t know how to develop the necessary awareness and skills at scale. The Smart Collaboration Accelerator was a tool that could provide personal insights on the catalysts and watch outs for collaboration – and give leadership the necessary insights on team/group dynamics around collaboration. The Leader Insights Reports with aggregate analysis and recommendations was a key to broad adoption of the initiative by senior stakeholders to improve collaboration across the organization.

Off-sites, Workshops & Programs

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used in company off-sites, workshops and programs at leading executive education providers. The tool supports a focus on:

  • Initiatives to reduce barriers to collaboration

  • Increasing collaboration skills through identifying and applying personal collaboration strengths

  • Highlighting collaboration dynamics in groups/teams to improve high priority outcomes

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The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is trusted by

  • Global icon

    Global professional service firms

  • Organization icon

    Fortune 500 organizations

  • education icon

    Executive education programs

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    Small to medium-sized innovative organizations

What access to the Smart Collaboration
Accelerator can include

Smart Collaboration Accelerator Report

Personal Report

Individuals receive their own Smart Collaboration Accelerator personal report that provides insights and advice on how they can accelerate Smart Collaboration by turning their behavioral tendencies for collaboration into catalysts. Each individual gains an understanding of their tendencies across the Seven Dimensions of Smart Collaboration, receives Recommended Actions, and also flags Key Things to Watch Out For. At the end of each personal report are Your High Priority Actions and Your High Priority Watch Outs, both based upon each individual’s results.

Smart Collaboration Accelerator Leader Insights

Leader Insights (Group) Report

When requested, a live Leader Insights Report is available for groups or teams. The Leader Insights Report provides the group (or leader of that group), with insights into how they can accelerate collaboration based on the insights from aggregated individual collaborator data. The Leader Insights Report can remain live and provide updated insights if/when members of a group of collaborators change. A Leader Insights Report includes an analysis of the distribution of collaboration behavior tendencies across the relevant team or group. This analysis highlights dominant tendencies that may be having a greater influence over the collaboration dynamics for that group and actions to accelerate Smart Collaboration. Importantly, the Leader Insights Report from the Smart Collaboration Accelerator provide specific Recommended High Priority Actions for each group or team.

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Dr. Heidi K. Gardner headshot

Dr. Heidi K. Gardner is a Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School and former professor at Harvard Business School. She is currently the faculty chair and instructor in multiple executive education programs at both institutions. She was named by Thinkers50 as a Next Generation Business Guru.

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator was developed with Dr Gardner following her research demonstrating the financial benefits of collaboration. In addition to being featured in her book Smarter Collaboration, the Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used by organizations and leading executive education providers to enhance collaboration skills. 

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Benefits of the Smart Collaboration Accelerator and a Leader Insights Report

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator is used by individuals, teams, leadership and organizations to provide:

Each individual gains an understanding of their personal collaboration tendencies and how they can use these behavioral tendencies to accelerate Smart Collaboration

Leadership in organizations know how to lead collaboration based on group members' tendencies, and know the most impactful ways to accelerate Smart Collaboration in that group

Personal and team reports include practical, actionable recommendations and watch-outs which can enhance collaboration and performance

Businesses get a data-driven, objective way to provide a path for leaders to drive collaboration

Foster an inclusive climate in teams and groups through a focus on collaboration, and in particular, how diverse thinking styles can enhance a group's ability to address complex, high-value problems

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A shared, behavior-based language that supports a collaborative culture and enhances people’s ability to give constructive feedback

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Background & Technical Details

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator was developed by Communication Labs (Thrive Matters) in collaboration with Dr Heidi Gardner, Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School. 

Dr Heidi K Gardner coined the term ‘smart collaboration’ to describe how multifaceted, complex problems require experts to integrate their unique knowledge and perspectives in order to generate more holistic, optimal solutions than any of them could produce on their own. Her research demonstrated that businesses engaging in smart collaboration boost revenues and profits, increase client satisfaction and loyalty and are better able to attract and retain top talent.

Communication Labs identified the collaboration dimensions that are catalysts for smart collaboration.

Communication Labs designed the Smart Collaboration Accelerator to assess the person-level barriers and enablers of Smart Collaboration in order to inform individuals, and leaders of collaboration about how they can accelerate collaboration. 

Seven dimensions are used to measure Smart Collaboration.

  • Trusting – Wary
    The tendency a person has to trust others in general and trust the competence of colleagues.

  • Complex – Concrete
    The preferred style of thinking and problem complexity.

  • Close – Distant
    The preferred frequency and nature of communication.

  • Hands-on – Hands-off
    The extent to which a person feels a need to be highly organized and methodical.

  • Risk Spotter – Risk Seeker
    The tendency for a person to take a chance in pursuit of opportunity versus invest time to avoid mistakes and errors.

  • Group – Individual
    The desire to work with others as part of a group.

  • Responder – Initiator
    The tendency to be proactive and initiate pre-emptive action.

Collaboration skills can be developed starting from an understanding of collaboration dynamics. The Smart Collaboration Accelerator uses the data from the personal assessment to provide each individual actionable insights on recommended actions, things to watch out for and high priority actions. 

The Leader Insights (group) Reports provide groups and their leaders with a roadmap for how to accelerate collaboration in that particular group.

It can answer questions such as:

  • How is trust impacting collaboration in this group?

  • How is this group likely to communicate with each other and external stakeholders?

  • How does this group see risk versus opportunity?

The Smart Collaboration Accelerator, Leader Insights Report and other Thrive Matters’ tools, have been developed to improve the level of collaboration so organizations and individuals can achieve more by combining the expertise and insights of others. 

A technical report on the reliability and validity of the Smart Collaboration Accelerator, samples and case studies are available upon request.