The Explorer Mindset Diagnostic

Explorer Mindset

Uncharted business territory requires new navigation skills. The Explorer Mindset encapsulates the mental framework required to lead and thrive in this new and fast evolving landscape. The Explorer Mindset enables leaders to face dynamic uncertainty with a sense of curiosity and optimism; identifying opportunities for value creation and leading sustainable customer focussed innovation.

Explorer Mindset is designed to equip you with the cognitive, emotional and behavioral resources to lead by developing your skills and approach in the following areas: 

Personal Resilience, Preparedness, Leading Innovation, Ambiguity Tolerance, Approach Orientation, Risk Tolerance and Perspective Taking.

The Explorer Mindset diagnostic is designed to help you to understand the aspects of your mindset that are naturally more aligned with the Explorer Mindset so that you can leverage these strengths in your leadership context. It also shows aspects of your mindset that may detract from the Explorer Mindset and how to develop further flexibility in your mindset.

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What the Explorer Mindset
diagnostic includes

Personal Insights

Individuals receive their own Individual Report that identifies their enabling mindsets and provides advice on how to shift their mindset to more of an Explorer Mindset

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Leader insights from their direct reports

Direct reports of Explorer Mindset participants are invited to complete a version of the diagnostic at various times over the subsequent year and the results of these provide an insight into the impact of The Explorer Mindset program within those organisations.

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The Explorer Mindset Diagnostic

The Explorer Mindset diagnostic is used by the Møller Institute, Cambridge in the Explorer Mindset leadership program. The diagnostic provides senior leaders with insights on key dimensions of their mindset. It includes the ability to pulse direct reports on their Explorer Mindset to measure over time the impact of the leader on their direct report colleagues. These insights are provided to leaders via reports and real-time dashboards. 

The Explorer Mindset diagnostic is used by wide range of organisations from multi-nationals through to small innovative companies and government departments.

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The Explorer Mindset model and diagnostic was developed by Portia Hickey, an Associate of the Møller Institute and co-founder of Thrive Matters & Communication Labs. Portia and her colleagues from the Møller Institute, Churchill College, University of Cambridge combined their knowledge, expertise and research in leadership during dramatic change and volatility, to develop a program based upon the Explorer Mindsets. Portia’s team at Communication Labs then developed the diagnostic, feedback reports and analysis, by operationalizing research along with interviews with thought leaders and faculty at the Møller Institute.